The Wisconsin Hosta Society welcomes all hosta enthusiasts, regardless of experience, to join and take advantage of our educational programs, member events, and more. We guarantee you will not meet a friendlier group of people!
To become a member, click on this link WHS-Membership-Application; print and follow the instructions on the form to return it to the Wisconsin Hosta Society.
Membership dues are only $10 for the calendar year, January 1st through December 31st. The membership fee contributes to making donations to area botanical gardens, providing for speakers and other program costs, and maintaining the website.
It is the goal of the society to provide opportunities for fun, friendship, and learning through access to garden tours and other events. Membership includes an open invitation to our spring and fall meetings, garden tours, educational programs, and bus trips as well as emailed issues of all of the society’s newsletter, The Royal Standard.
For additional information send inquiries to